Delivery Time

  • At Colour Chem Paints, we strive to process and ship your order within 24-48 hours after order confirmation.
  • Please ensure you are available at the provided contact number for our team to reach you.
  • The estimated delivery time across Pakistan is 3 to 7 working days after shipping.
  • Orders weighing over 5 kg are shipped via Overland, which may result in longer delivery times.
  • During sales or events, delivery times may be extended due to high order volumes.

Delivery Charges

  • We offer free delivery nationwide for orders above Rs 20000/-.
  • For orders below this amount, a standard delivery fee of Rs 350/- will apply.

Track Your Order

  • You can track your order on the TCS courier website: TCS Tracking ( try entering the tracking courier number ).
  • If you do not receive tracking updates, you can WhatsApp or call +92-300-2992969 between 10 am and 6 pm.
  • Colour Chem Paints is not responsible for delays caused by third-party courier companies.

Want to amend your order?

  • Once an order is placed, it cannot be revised. However, if you need to make changes, please contact us on WhatsApp at +92-300-2992969 within 6 hours. If the order has not been dispatched, we will cancel it so you can place a new one.
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